
weak ka opposite word kya hota hai

weak ka opposite word , Weak का अपोजिट वर्ड क्या है ,Let us know about the opposite word of weak, weak ka opposite word kya hota hai , the opposite word of weak.

कमजोरपुख्ता ,फौलादी , ताकतवर,तगड़ा ,मजबूत ,तनदुरुस्त ,ताकतवर
WeakSteel ,mighty, healthy, mighty

weak ka opposite word Meaning of weak antonyms of weak

Weak means one who is not able to meet the set criteria. For example, a physically weak person is one who appears very thin in appearance. That means he is not a tough knife. Would call him a lesser person. Similarly a weak machine would be one which is not capable of handling as much load as normal machines can.

Similarly, a weak cow is also considered as one which gives less milk. Because it is very weak in giving milk.

A weak dog is one that is not capable of barking.

Overall, it can be said that a weak word is a very bad word that expresses negative meaning. Weak means having some kind of problem.

Meaning of strong

Strong means one who is strong. Here the word strength is used in a broader sense. It means that strength can be of many types. Such as physical strength and mental strength or financial strength.

Just like a vine is strong enough, it can be called a strong vine.

Similarly, if a person has more money, then he can be called a financially strong person.

Similarly, if a person is ideologically strong, then he will also be called a strong person.

Man should be strong in life. The first strength that a person needs is mental strength. All strength comes from mental strength. If you do not have mental strength then you cannot be successful in any other tasks.

Here mental strength means that you should have the determination to do some work in you. If you have a strong determination in you, then you will be able to do that work. Now you will face obstacles. When those obstacles collide with your thoughts, how long you will be able to stay with those thoughts depends on you. If you have the strength, you will destroy all kinds of obstacles and move forward.

But only a few people are such that they get what they think. They have the ideological strength to fulfill their thoughts.

weak disciple and teacher

It is a matter of ancient times. A guru used to have two disciples. The name of one disciple was weak and the name of the other was strong. He was named by the Guru himself. Because one would do every work with a very loose attitude, the other would have completed the work very fast.

Once the Guru had to leave the Gurukul and go somewhere, the Guru called his disciples and said…….I am going out for some work. Both of you are being given different crops. When I come back, the entire field should be harvested.

——- Alright Gurudev, both of us will try.

After that the guru left but the strong disciple got busy in his work and started reaping the crop at a fast pace but the ability of the weak was not so much. He always looked at himself negatively. He was sitting A day passed but the weak could harvest only a small crop. Whereas within a day, the strong cut the entire crop. Now the weak used to harvest a small crop every day and take rest. In this way 3 days passed. After that the guru came and saw from afar that the weak was completely stealing work, so he disguised as a yama and went to the weak sleeping with a sword inside the night…… will be blown

The weak got scared badly and said with folded hands……….But what is my fault, I have nothing to give.

……. We have not come here to pick up. We are eunuchs and have come to receive you. Because orders have come from above that there is no work for the slackers on earth.

………..But …. le…….but I am not a doodle.

meaning of the antonym weak

………how many days have you not been able to harvest the crop of a field. You are a burden here so you should go with me.

Now the weak got very scared and said that……. No no no once you give me life. Whatever work I do next time, I will be quick in it. I will never become a doodle, just forgive me once.

——- Okay and after saying this the eunuchs left. He did not sleep weak that night and started reaping the crop at night, when the day rose, he had already harvested the entire crop. In the morning Gurudev came and said……..Oh weak today, you have done wonders.

……..weak night was scared anyway and said……..I have not done anything amazing. I have corrected my mistake. I am no longer weak. Now I am strong too. The eunuchs came in the night and said that there is no place for the weak on this earth.

After today whatever you say Gurudev, I will try to complete your work as soon as possible and will give up work.

After that the Guru was also pleased and said……… from today onwards you will not be called weak. The real thing is that I myself had come before you as a eunuch so that you can leave your laziness and move forward. If you are not able to give up laziness then you will not be able to reach anywhere.

weak ka opposite word Let us know about the opposite word of weak, weak ka opposite word kya hota hai , the opposite word of weak.

जन्म का विलोम शब्द क्या है Vilom Shabd of Janm

आगामी का विलोम शब्द Agami ka vilom shabd

आग्रह का विलोम शब्द Agrah Vilom Shabd

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